Healthcare News
Sling immobilization may improve sleep quality vs. bracing after rotator cuff surgery
Sling immobilization for 6 weeks after arthroscopic rotator cuff repair yielded improved sleep quality, decreased anxiety and increased satisfaction with similar clinical outcomes compared with abduction brace use, according to study data.
Labrum SLAP Tear
Your labrum is soft tissue that connects the socket part of the scapula (called the glenoid) with the head of the humerus. A tear in the labrum results in insufficient cushioning between those bones.
Knee problems tend to flare up as you age—an orthopedic specialist explains available treatment options
Knee injuries are common in athletes, accounting for 41% of all athletic injuries. But knee injuries aren't limited to competitive athletes. In our everyday lives, an accident or a quick movement in the wrong direction can injure the knee and require medical treatment. A quarter of the adult population worldwide experiences knee pain each year
FDA Approves Arthroscopic Knee Cartilage Repair
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved a request for a supplemental Biologics License Application for the repair of knee cartilage defects using arthroscopic delivery of the autologous cultured chondrocytes on a porcine collagen membrane.
How to Wear a Shoulder Sling
A shoulder sling keeps your arm against your body and prevents you from moving it too much. However, if you wear a shoulder sling the wrong way, you might slow healing or injure your arm more.